
Lisa Recnik

Austria Director

After having met Pint of Science in the UK and France, I couldn’t help bringing this amazing idea to my home country! I love to mix up languages in conversations, climb yet another mountain or anticipate the next book to add to my bookshelf. I'm so excited about #pint20! :)

Guillaume Corradino

Belgium Director

Passionate about space and green technologies, my day job is to support and promote European research. After more than 10 years living in Belgium I have lost faith in meteorology but I am very excited to help put some science in Belgian pints!

Marina Manganaro

Croatia Director

Chaotic Astroparticle Physicist, focused on extra-galactic sources: I participated in Pint of Science Tenerife and loved it! So I had to start it in my new home, Croatia. I am an enthusiastic Linux user, Dungeon Master and coffee addicted. People always tell me that I am unstoppable!

Elodie Chabrol

France & International Director

Hyperactive neuroscientist who loves sci-comm! I jumped into the Pint of Science adventure the first year in London, then founded the French one and now I help new countries to launch the festival. My mission? Make science accessible to everyone, everywhere!

Lloyd Montgomery

Germany Director

I am a Software Engineering PhD student interested in exploring what simple tools can do to improve complex processes. When I’m not in the office, I enjoy squash, badminton, billiards, video games, and beer. Interested in Software Engineering or any of the above? Let’s chat over a pint!

Jule Schlee

Germany Director

I‘m a curiosity-driven neuroscientist with also a strong focus on science communication and women in STEM. I love not only teaching people of different scientific topics but also just chatting with them while having a pint.

Laura Benzonana

Greece Director

I have a PhD from Imperial College London and now live in Athens. Having spent most of my adult life at Imperial, I am a Pint of Science attendee veteran. What could be better than drinking with friends and listening to scientists making a difference in the world! Come join us for a drink!

Theodora A. Loukanari

Greece Director

I am a biotechnologist and Medical genetics MSc and a huge science enthusiast. I am here because I love the idea of making science comprehensible and interesting to everybody, especially when this is accompanied by good wine or beer! Let's grab our pints and sci-chat!

Floriane Louboutin

Hungary Director

Since the first Pint of Science in France (2014), I am involved in this festival. When I get back to school for studying veterinary medicine in Budapest it didn't exist here. That's why I've decided to set it up in Hungary. Come and join us for the 1st Pint in Hungary!

Kevin Jay Mercurio

Ireland Director

I'm a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin researching the gut microbiome. Outside the lab, I write fiction/poetry and host the Metaphorigins Podcast. I stays sceptical but curious!

Namrata Iyer

Ireland Director

Microbiologist/Immunologist at APC Microbiome Ireland. Fascinated by microbes & their influence on health. Studying gut microbes, looking for those with beneficial effects against autoimmune diseases.

Alessia Tricomi

Italy Director

I decided that I would become a Physicist when I was 10 years old and all my friends dreamed of being a princess. All in all I did not go wrong! Being a researcher has opened the door to a very precious kingdom: that of knowledge. Particles, cats, pottery and sailing are my sparkling world!

Taichi Ochi

Netherlands Director

Switching over to the private sector hasn’t deterred my love for science and promoting it to the public. Previously conducting research in cardiovascular genetics, always happy to chat about latest drug developments, over a biertje of course!

Marijn Kroes

Netherlands Director

Assistant Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Radboud University Nijmegen. I study how we can change specific emotional memories in our brains. Convinced that the best science is done on the back of a beer coaster, so let’s cheers and chat science!

Thibaud Freyd

Norway Director

During my PhD in Health Science, I bridged the field of biology and computer science. Now I wanna build a bridge between the scientific community and the rest of the world. Science is amazing so let the world know!

Daniela Domingues

Portugal Director

Brain and beer lover over here! I am a neuroscientist currently working on a project regarding lasting memories in different ways of learning. In the meantime, I enjoy going to the pub with my friends grabbing some beers. I am really happy to bring science to the pubs of Portugal!

Carlos Peris Torres

Spain Director

PhD in Biomedicine, I investigate the effect of the tumour environment on cancer growth and how we can use nanoparticles to improve diagnosis and treatment. I love music, science communication and design. In a local team of Pint of Science Spain since 2018... 2022 is the best year to arrive to the n…

Laurent Ladépêche

Spain Director

Native of France, I came to Barcelona 5 years ago to study neuropsychiatric disorders through super-resolution microscopy. Besides exploring Catalan and Spanish cultures, I enjoy existential conversations and passionate debates, even more so with a pint in between!

Carine Signoret

Sweden Director

I am a cognitive psychologist using neuro-imagery techniques to understand how human brain operates to allow communication, which is decisive in sharing ideas and thoughts. Being involved in the organization of Pint of Science seems then more than natural for me!

Silvia Cardellino

Switzerland Director

Trained as a plant scientist and now Journal Manager at the OA publisher Frontiers, I am fascinated by the power of science to understand nature. I strive to share my curiosity and have founded the Swiss festival to help bring science to the public.

Praveen Paul

UK Director & Co-Founder

I'm trained as a neuroscientist and am amazed to see how far Pint of Science has spread! There's a whole variety of scientific research happening across the world and I'm excited to be part of bringing it all together and sharing it with you.